Actors regularly need to update their portraits for actor catalogues, such as the catalogue of the SBKV (“Schweizerischer Bühnenkünstlerverband”). Daniel Ludwig is a swiss actor & writer with almost 40 years of professional experience. He has been contracted for many years at City Theatres of Berne (Switzerland) and Lübeck (Germany). He has further written a number of Monodramas in which he has also performed himself, such as Afroblue, The Boxer, Gorom Gorom and Muhammed is Biking, and regularly writes articles for major Swiss newspapers. Currently he is writing a fact based novel on the very early stages of the Swiss Army Peace Corps in North & South Corea from 1953-1954. He also happens to be my brother. More information on him can be found here:
For catalogues we especially needed tight portraits. A part is done with natural light and a reflector, for some I decided to use an off camera flash with full CTO and white reflective umbrella. All shots have with Fuji X-T1 and either Fujinon 35 F1.4 or 56 F1.2. Shot in downtown Zurich.
Gilbert Ludwig – Portrait & Hochzeitsfotografie Schweiz – Portrait & Wedding Photography Switzerland